B3 BFR Bands FAQ

What are B3 Bands?
B3 Bands are the result of over 40 years of research, ingenuity, experience and 30,000+ real life exercise sessions already in the USA!
The B3 Bands are based on a scientific discovery in exercise that uses BFR or Blood Flow Resistance. BFR uses the body’s natural systems in combination with light-weight exercise to achieve never seen results. This revolutionary exercise method uses a safe, natural, and normal physical process that occurs naturally in your body.
Who Can use the B3 Bands?
The B3 Bands can be safely and effectively used by injured and non-injured athletes, as well as normal people of every age, ability and background. In our experience, we have used this BFR system on both genders and on ages from 10 to 93.
What Results can I get using B3 Bands?
You will get whatever results you desire, and it will be faster and easier! It really is not complicated, you already know how to exercise.
You decide the results you want:
You can exercise with the B3 Bands to be leaner and more toned!
You can exercise with the B3 Bands to build muscle!
You can exercise with the B3 Bands to be stronger!
You can exercise with the B3 Bands to get back in shape!
What Exercises can I do with B3 Bands?
You will hear us say . . . “Don’t Change your Exercise . . . Just add the B3 Bands”
You choose the exercises to target the results you want:
You can lift weights with the B3 Bands
You can do general exercise movements like pushups and jumping jacks with the B3 Bands
You can go for a daily walk or bike ride with the B3 Bands
You can do your same elite training, in less time with the B3 Bands
You can do a short Aerobics or Yoga class with the B3 Bands
You can do a short cardio machine session with the B3 Bands
You can simulate your sport, like hitting golf balls, with the B3 Bands
You can even swim (yes they are waterproof) with the B3 Bands
Is this backed by Science?
The B3 Science Advisory Board’s has reviews of over 310 Studies on BFR. Together we have over 70 years in the health, fitness and training industry. We have never seen anything like this!
Dr. Jim Stray Gundersen
Dr. Mike DeBord
How does using B3 Bands stimulate Growth Hormone release?
- Light weight exercise with B3 Bands produces a quick muscle fatigue that results in a metabolic change, or lactic acid build up in the muscle.
- The fatigued muscle sends a signal to the brain that a metabolic change has occurred.
- The Pituitary Gland, in response, releases a rush of Growth Hormone (GH).
- The body responds to this GH release by secreting other hormones.
- This cascade of hormones stimulates adaptation in the muscles and also creates amazing health benefits for the rest of the body!
Why will it be a Paradigm Shift for me in how I exercise after I start using the B3 Bands?
Like most people who have been exercising for a good part of their life, we have been taught things like:
‘No pain No gain’
‘Train longer and harder if you want more results’
‘Lifting heavy weights tears the muscle and it will grow back bigger’
‘The heavier the weight, the bigger the results’
‘If you are not sore the next day, you did not work hard enough’
As you will soon learn, these old beliefs no longer apply when you use B3 Bands. These will be your new beliefs:
‘No pain is a good thing’
‘Train quicker, with less weight, and get more results’
‘No need to tear muscle, use light weights and prevent damage to your body
‘The greater the burn with B3 Bands, even with light weights, the bigger the results’
‘I don’t need to be sore the next day’
This is too good to be true. I really can exercise in ½ the time, with ½ the work and get twice the results?
YES! With blood flow restriction training, we are limiting the ability of the muscle to recover from otherwise easy exercise by restricting or impeding its blood flow. During easy/light exercise we only use a fraction of the fibers in the muscle to perform the movement. However, the first fibers that are recruited (oxygen, glucose, removal of acid, etc) are heavily dependent on blood flow to operate. Because the muscles don’t get their normal blood flow during the 1st set, they begin to fatigue.
Then during the 30 second “rest” period, when muscle normally recovers, there is less than normal amount of blood flow moving toward the muscle. Therefore, that muscle gets into even more metabolic trouble, and instead of improving, and stays in a state of stress.
When you start your 2nd set, you are exercising muscle fibers again that have not recovered, which results in those fibers failing to generate necessary force. Additional fibers (not normally recruited for easy exercise) have to take over. These fibers are usually less trained and get fatigued even faster, resulting in even more metabolic trouble.
Now during the 2nd rest phase, most, if not all, fibers in a muscle are now in “metabolic trouble” and aren’t recovering.
The 3rd set finishes the whole muscle off and makes virtually all fiber populations contract. The metabolic waste of all these fibers triggers metabo-receptors in and around the muscle. These receptors send the signal to the brain to release a systemic anabolic response.
Ultimately, the “failure” or “fatigue” generated from 3 sets of 30 reps, is the specific signal that stimulates hormone release that triggers increases in strength and function in muscle.
The only other way to get this degree of disturbance of homeostasis is to lift heavy or do maximal running intervals.
Why would I still want to exercise the old way with heavy weights or long and intense aerobic exercise sessions?
That is a great question! We have no good answer as to why you would want to work out harder and longer without the B3 Bands.
Our only thought on this is that maybe you enjoy longer and harder exercise that puts more stress on your body and does more damage.
Or maybe you just really like being sore the next day.
Is Exercising with the B3 Bands Safe?
BFR done correctly creates a natural and safe manipulation of the body’s circulatory system. As long as the simple and obvious safety pre-cautions are followed, there are no risks associated with BFR Training with B3 Bands.
Over 30,000 sessions have been completed safely with B3 Bands.
BFR has been used safely in Japan for over 40 years with millions of exercise sessions completed safely.
What are the Safety Precautions with using B3 Bands?
- Put the Bands in the right place
- Follow recommended pressure settings
- Limit Bands Inflated on Arms or Legs to 20 minutes
- Don’t lift heavy weights
- Hydrate properly before, during and after
What Pressures should I start with in the Bands?
Inflate the band to the recommended pressure according to the band size:
Band Size: | Pressure for 1st session |
#1 Band | 150 |
#2 Band | 200 |
#3 Band | 250 |
#4 Band | 300 |
#5 Band | 350 |
Perform a BFR training session and then determine your Degree of Fatigue:
Degree of Fatigue | Pressure for next session |
No Fatigue | Increase by 50 mmHg |
Mild Fatigue | Increase by 25 mmHg |
Standard “good” Fatigue | No change in Pressure |
Severe Fatigue | Decrease by 25 mmHg |
Does exercising with B3 Bands really produce better results?
Multiple research labs in independent studies have reported that BFR training produces strength gains similar to maximal resistance training (with heavy weights). It is important to note that not all BFR techniques and products are created equal. The B3 Bands keeps you safe, while making the experience simple, effective, and fast to use.
How long will it take to see an Effect after using B3 Bands?
When using B3 Bands you should see a marked improvement on the order of 10% strength gains in as little as 10-15 sessions if done 3 times per week.
Can I use the B3 Bands on both my Arms and Legs at the same time?
We recommend that you start your B3 Band exercise with either just arms or just legs. Get used to the feelings and the exercises and ease your way into the training. As you become more experienced after a couple sessions, you may apply all four belts at once and incorporate more complex movements or callisthenic-like exercises.
It is important to be well hydrated during all B3 Band sessions, and especially when you have four bands at once because you are pooling a larger blood volume in your limbs. If you ever feel light headed during any workout, stop, remove the bands, hydrate and eat something and try again later or the next day.
How many times per week should I exercise with B3 Bands?
If you have previously exercised, you know how many times per week you prefer. Remember our saying . . . ‘don’t change the exercise, just add the B3 Bands’.
Exercise with B3 Bands can be performed as much as 2 times per day to as few as 2 times per week. Here are some guidelines you can choose to follow:
For general fitness and health > Exercise 3 times per week for 20 minutes with the bands.
You are active and like daily exercise > Exercise daily for 20 minutes with the bands
You are a competitive athlete > You can do multiple sessions, such as 20 minutes Upper body, then 20 minutes lower body in a single day.
While you recover quicker from training with B3 Bands, compared to maximal lifting or training sessions, it still can be physically tiring. As you gain experience on how training with B3 Bands makes you feel, adjust your overall training to accommodate your needs.
Does exercising with B3 Bands create bigger muscles?
Training with B3 Bands is a quicker, easier and safer way to get an anabolic response in the body. If you are looking to gain muscle, training with B3 Bands can help you achieve your goals as long as you are using proper nutrition that is required to build muscle, such as consuming enough protein and high-quality carbs.
What if I don’t want bigger muscles, I just want to lean up or tone?
For women and many other people desiring an overall healthy body, using the B3 Bands is a great way to burn fat, be leaner and be more toned. You can easily achieve these results training with B3 Bands, and you can do it quicker, easier and safer.
As with any exercise, using proper nutrition such as calorie control, or low sugar/carb diets, can help you achieve your desired results.
What if I am a runner, biker, or do Yoga/Pilates classes?
Doing your exercise session or class with B3 Bands will dramatically reduce the time and significantly increase the intensity felt in the muscles. By condensing the time and increasing the intensity and fatigue in the muscles, you will increase the hormone surge and the resulting adaptation response will be much greater, which means less work and better results!
Is it better to increase the pressure in the B3 Bands to get better results?
A recent study addressed just this topic. In the study, the researchers put a BFR cuff on subjects and pumped up the pressure, so it was either 40 or 80 percent of the pressure necessary to occlude the arteries. Then they had the subjects perform the same exercises.
Both the 40 and 80 percent pressure groups produced the same amount of muscle growth and strength gains. Thus, it is not more beneficial to crank the pressure up on your arms or legs. As long as you can feel a light burn on set 1, and a hard burn on set 3, you have enough pressure in the B3 Bands.
Will B3 Bands cut off my blood supply?
B3 Bands are designed to avoid total occlusion or cutting off the blood supply into the limbs. B3 Bands have a unique air chamber design that creates a superficial pressure on the arm or leg. This pressure will limit venous blood out of the limb but will not cut off the deeper arterial blood supply into the limb.
If you have ever had your blood pressure checked, you have experienced total cutting-off of blood supply with a tourniquet or blood pressure cuff.
As long as the simple and obvious safety pre-cautions are followed, there are no risks associated with BFR Training with B3 Bands.
Will training with B3 Bands benefit my cardiovascular system?
During a BFR training session, heart rate and blood pressure are somewhat higher than they would otherwise be for the given exercise. BFR training has many positive effects on the cardiovascular system similar to the positive effects gained from regular exercise and training.
What other benefits will I see receive from using the B3 Bands?
Review of over 310 Studies on BFR Training shows tremendous benefits to all aspects of health and fitness!
In addition to the obvious benefits in muscle size, strength, power and explosion, you may see:
Benefits to your speed, endurance and VO2 max
Benefits to your performance
Benefits to your cardiovascular system
Benefits to bone density
And many other health benefits including anti-aging (associated with elevated levels of Growth Hormone).
Are there benefits to muscles not affected by the B3 Bands?
The answer is YES! Many people think that BFR training is just for the arms and the legs, but can it be used for the chest, back, and glutes, and even the core!
First Benefit: By training the arms or legs, the nervous system senses extreme fatigue. Your body is going to do whatever it can to maintain force and keep itself from failing. To compensate, your nervous system recruits more muscle from non-restricted limbs. Thus, these other muscles benefit.
Second Benefit: After you have completed B3 Band exercise on your arms, you have triggered the failure response that triggers growth hormone. Now go ahead and do your pecs, shoulders and back. You will notice that the work load required to fatigue your pecs, shoulders and back will be much less. As long as you also take these body parts to failure, you will have the growth hormone surge needed for the muscles to adapt just like your arms.
The same thing applies to your core muscles. After you have completed B3 Band exercise on your arms or legs, do an extra few minutes of core exercises to failure to get the same great adaptation on your core. You can easily do this by doing a 1-set ‘plank’ exercise to failure at the end of every B3 Band exercise session.
What is BFR?
Blood flow restriction(BFR) training is a training strategy involving the use of B3 Bands placed around a limb (arm or leg) during exercise, to maintain arterial inflow to the muscle while limiting venous return.
How is training with B3 Bands different than normal resistance training?
Training with B3 Bands provides a quicker and stronger fatigue in the muscles which results in a more robust hormone release in the body. Training with B3 Bands is done in a shorter period, and in a safer manner than normal resistance training. Gains in fitness and strength are realized quicker with B3 Bands than with normal resistance training.
A more scientific explanation of how the B3 Bands work.
The B3 Bands work by slowing down or impeding the flow of blood exiting the limbs through the veins. As your muscles work, they use up available oxygen and other nutrients. Without the B3 Bands normal circulation brings more oxygen and removes the metabolic waste products that allow the muscle to recover quickly. Because the circulation has been impeded, there is not enough re-supply of oxygen to the muscle, nor enough clearing of metabolic waste products.
In this de-oxygenated state or metabolic waste environment, with continued exercise the muscle fiber deteriorates to the point where muscle contraction cannot continue, and other muscle fibers must take over to perform the exercise. Soon all fibers in the muscle go into a state of “failure” and one cannot continue. You recognize this state as muscle burn followed by not being able to do anymore repetitions or what we call failure.
Your brain senses the distress and responds, as it normally does, by initiating autonomic and hormonal responses in an attempt to remedy the conditions in the muscle and to adapt to the demands of the exercises. This process is the normal process of adaptation to severe exercise, but usually to get to this state, one must perform severe exercise like maximal weight lifting or high intensity exercise like running and sprinting.
As a result of the distress in the muscle, growth hormone and other anabolic hormones are released into your blood stream. This hormonal cascade goes throughout the body and facilitates the repair and building of all tissues that have been working or were injured.
To create this muscle failure without B3 Bands requires intense training which usually damages the tissues involved. You may have heard the term ‘micro-tearing’ of muscle and then the muscle grows back bigger and stronger which is no longer necessary.
Now with B3 Bands you can create the same failure and adaptation doing light exercises for a shorter duration.
What are the recovery demands after training with the B3 Bands?
Studies have shown that BFR training creates greater fatigue during the exercise session, but with dramatically less muscle damage! Thus, recovery demands are going to be much less with B3 Band training.
If training with B3 Bands reduces or eliminates micro-tearing in the muscle, how do people get bigger and stronger?
Micro tears or muscle fiber damage are not necessary to stimulate fatigue and metabolic crisis in the muscle, which results in a subsequent Growth Hormone release. You can create a disturbance of homeostasis in the muscle while doing lighter exercises with B3 Bands, that will stimulate secretion of Growth Hormone.
Generally, light weights and concentric exercises do not damage muscle fibers, while heavy weights and eccentric exercise can and does damage muscle. The more damage done to a muscle, the longer it takes to repair that damage before moving on to build bigger and stronger muscles.
What % of blood flow restriction is obtained with the B3 Bands?
The effectiveness of B3 Band training is not about what % of arterial flow is restricted, but rather the robustness of the metabolic crisis occurring in the working muscle. The “robustness” of the metabolic crisis signal is a function of the amount of venous outflow restriction that prevents recovery in the working muscle. Thus, whether you are affecting 50% or 80% of venous outflow, if you follow out exercise protocols, you will create failure in muscle and the results will follow.
The important safety point is that B3 Bands cannot occlude arterial inflow in an extremity up to the limit of the hand pump (500 mmHg) when instructions and guidelines are followed. All complications, or negative side effects with BFR occur as a result of occluding the arterial inflow into a limb. Since B3 Bands are incapable of occluding (up to the limit of the pump) when used correctly, they are eminently safe.
Does training with B3 Bands have an effect on the Joints and Tendons?
The effects of BFR on tendons has not been studied in humans with either normal tendons or injured tendons or tendinopathies. However, millions of BFR sessions are performed annually around the world and there are no reports of tendon ruptures. Further, there is evidence that muscle and bone density are improved by BFR, so it is likely that the structure in between those two tissues is also improved.
How does training with B3 Bands compare to Oxygen Deprivation Training?
They work in completely separate ways. While proof is lacking that oxygen deprivation masks improve performance, there is robust data showing BFR training does improve strength and fitness.
What is Occlusion Training and why is it dangerous?
Occlusion training involves completely stopping blood flow into an extremity for substantial periods of time. It can damage tissue distal (below) to the occlusion. Completely occluding a limb for a substantial period increases the risk of blood clots in veins. Deep venous thromboses (DVT’s) can lead to pulmonary emboli, which can be fatal. Occlusion training can also lead to rhabdomyolysis (severe breakdown of muscle fibers), which can lead to kidney failure and possibly death.
If you search online you will see many companies selling occlusion straps or wraps. We STRONGLY encourage that you should NOT attempt to use these devices.
Are B3 Bands similar to Occlusion Training?
No, training with B3 Bands does NOT occlude arterial flow into the limbs, when simple safety rules are followed. Total occlusion is what occlusion training seeks, and that is a BAD IDEA!
Occlusion Training or use of Occlusion Bands, straps or wraps can be VERY DANGEROUS. We STRONGLY encourage that you should NOT attempt to use these devices.
If individuals can wrap their own arms with bands or surgical tubing, why should they purchase the B3 Bands
Because the B3 Bands are designed to be both safe and effective. You are in complete control of the pressure setting by using the pump.
Using other devices is a total guess on how tight to wrap your limbs, and that is just not a smart thing to do!
Surgical tubing or elastic wraps vary tremendously in how they influence the circulation. With surgical tubing or elastic wraps, one has little knowledge of whether they are safe or effective. In addition, B3 Bands are likely to be much more comfortable than surgical tubing or blood pressure cuffs.
B3 Band Training emphasizes safety and pays great attention to getting the pressures right. When too much pressure is used, dangerous blood vessel occlusion can result. The application of too little pressure is not effective in producing the benefits of BFR Training. The B3 Bands are specifically designed to provide a safe, comfortable and effective pressure and experience.
How many sets and reps should I do when using B3 Bands to lift weights?
We recommend you do 3 sets for each body part and a maximum of 5 exercises for Upper or Lower Body
Rest only 30 seconds between each set
Rest only 60 seconds when changing to another exercise
We recommend you always work the muscles below the bands first
Upper Body Workout:
- Biceps 3 Sets
- Triceps 3 Sets
- Chest 3 Sets
- Back 3 Sets
- Shoulders 3 Sets
Lower Body Workout:
- Calves 3 Sets
- Quads 3 Sets
- Hamstrings 3 Sets
- Squats 3 Sets
How much weight should I use with the B3 Bands?
When doing 3 sets with the B3 Bands, you should use a weight that allows you to do 30 reps on your first set.
* You should NEVER use heavy weights that you can only lift a few times when the B3 Bands are on*
A general rule of thumb is to use 20% of your 1 rep maximum. If you don’t know your 1 rep maximum, don’t worry, follow this simple formula for choosing weight.
Set 1: Use a light weight that allows you do to ~ 30 reps, you should feel a Light Burn
(Only 30 seconds rest)
Set 2: Use the same weight to do 20 or more reps, you should feel a Medium Burn
(Only 30 seconds rest)
Set 3: Use the same weight to do 15 or more reps, you should feel a Hard Burn and experience failure.
How to know if weight is wrong:
Weight is too light: If you are doing more than 30 reps each of the 3 sets, you should increase the weight
Weight is too heavy: You cannot get 30 reps on the first set, or 20 reps on the second set.
Why is it important to go to failure when using B3 Bands?
BFR training taps into a major growth mechanism by recruiting the larger, fast-twitch muscle fibers. Fast-twitch muscle fibers are activated by either heavy resistance or fatigue. When you use the B3 Bands, you don’t need heavy resistance, but you do need to get close to failure.
Research shows that the closer you get to nearing failure, the greater fast-twitch muscle-fiber recruitment becomes. The greater the failure and recruitment of muscle-fibers, the stronger the signal sent through the Central Nervous System that causes the surge in Growth Hormone.
When doing 3 sets with the B3 Bands, you don’t need to go to failure on each set. You should go for the following sensations on each of the first three sets and achieve failure on the 3rd set:
Set 1: Light burn
Set 2: Medium burn
Set 3: Hard burn and failure.
What if I like to work out longer than 20 minutes and I really want to maximize results with the B3 Bands?
Doing BFR training on upper or lower body only in a single day is fine for most people. However, you will get a more robust systemic anabolic effect (GH release), if you also include a short session of the B3 Bands on the other part of your body. If you really want the maximum GH release, do a set of core exercises like a plank to failure at the end of your workout with the B3 Bands still on.
Why does this increase results? The greater the percentage of your total body musculature that you get sending a signal of disturbed homeostasis to your brain, the more robust of an anabolic response you will get. More Growth Hormone, means more adaptation, and more results!
Example 1: Upper Body Workout - Biceps 3 Sets - Triceps 3 Sets - Chest 3 Sets - Back 3 Sets - Shoulders 3 Sets - Calves 3 Sets - Squats 3 SetsFinish with a Plank on your elbows and toes to total failure |
Example 2: Lower Body Workout - Calves 3 Sets - Quads 3 Sets - Hamstrings 3 Sets - Squats 3 SetsUpper Body Workout - Biceps 3 Sets - Triceps 3 SetsFinish with a Plank on your elbows and toes to total failure |
How many times per week should I exercise with B3 Bands?
If you have previously exercised, you know how many times per week you prefer.
Remember our saying . . . ‘don’t change the exercise, just add the B3 Bands’
Exercise with B3 Bands can be performed as much as 2 times per day to as few as 2 times per week. Here are some guidelines you can choose to follow:
For general fitness and health > Exercise 3 times per week for 20 minutes with the B3 Bands
You are active and like daily exercise > Exercise daily for 20 minutes with the B3 Bands
You are serious about exercise > You can do multiple sessions, such as 20 minutes Upper body, then 20 minutes lower body, then core on a single day.
While you will recover quicker from training with B3 Bands, as compared to maximal lifting or training sessions, it still can be physically demanding. As you gain experience in how training with B3 Bands makes you feel, adjust your overall training stress to accommodate your needs.
Is there a recommended time of the day to exercise with B3 Bands?
Remember our saying . . . ‘don’t change the exercise, just add the B3 Bands’
Thus we are saying stick with what works or has worked for you in the past. Obviously, you have time constraints that will also dictate when you can do your B3 Band sessions.
From our review of the research, there is no optimal time to do your training with B3 Bands. However, you may enjoy your training session more if you establish a regular schedule.
It is not recommended to exercise with B3 Bands right after a large meal. Also using the B3 Bands or any exercise just before bed may impact your ability to fall asleep.
Can I use Isometric Exercises with weights and the B3 Bands?
YES, and you will get impressive results!
Substitute a 3 second isometric contraction for each repetition of an exercise movement. Instead of doing the usual exercises, perform 3 sets of 30 isometric contractions of the specific muscle.
When contracting, hold the contraction for 3 seconds and then relax for 1 second and repeat 29 times before resting for 30-60 seconds. Perform 3 sets of these 30, 3 second isometric contractions for a given muscle group before moving to the next exercise.
These isometric contractions are particularly useful if you have a joint injury that is aggravated and painful if moved during exercise. You can combine isometric exercises with movement exercises in other areas of the body.
One thing many people find that are interested in big hypertrophic muscle gains is that isometric contractions and very slow-moving contractions are particularly effective in building muscle.
One can also combine isometric and normal contractions in a given exercise. For example, when doing 5 lbs. arm curls, one can hold an isometric contraction at the end of the range of motion, both with the arm fully flexed and the arm fully extended.
How heavy can I lift when using B3 Bands?
The primary advantage to B3 Band Training is that you can increase muscle size at low weight intensities. We recommend you lift with 20 percent of your 1 Rep Max.
If you can curl a 50 lb. dumbbell one time > you should use 10 lb. dumbbells with B3 Bands
If you can Bench Press 200 lbs. one time > you should use 40 lbs. with B3 Bands
If you can squat 300 lbs. > you should squat 75 lbs. with B3 Bands
Just like traditional weight lifting, muscle growth with B3 Bands will occur faster when you increase intensity. Therefore, once you are accustomed to using the bands (10 or more sessions), if muscle growth is your goal, you can increase intensity by increasing weight up to 40% of your 1 rep max and increasing the intensity of your workouts to failure.
Our recommendation, for increasing weight is that you can still do at least 20 reps on your first set, and still complete 15 reps on your third set.
Can I use the B3 Bands on both my arms and legs at the same time?
We recommend that you start your B3 Band exercise with either just arms or just legs. Get used to the feelings and the exercises and ease your way into the training. As you become more experienced after a couple sessions, you may apply all four belts at once and incorporate more complex movements or calisthenic like exercises.
It is important to be well hydrated during all B3 Band sessions, and especially when you have four bands on at once because you are pooling a larger blood volume in your limbs. If you ever feel light headed during any workout, stop, remove the bands, hydrate and eat something and try again later or the next day.
I like to walk; how can I benefit from using B3 Bands?
It has been said that walking is a great exercise. Although we agree there are many benefits to walking, there is so much more you can accomplish by adding B3 Bands to your walks. Walking with B3 Bands changes things dramatically!
Walking without B3 Bands…
Does not create a strong fatigue response
Does not create a Growth Hormone surges
By simply adding B3 Bands to walking, you can create a strong fatigue signal in the leg muscles, and thus get that Growth Hormone surge that will change the game in your body!
You will quickly notice that walking with the B3 Bands creates a ‘burning’ feeling in the leg muscles. You will also notice your heart rate and breathing are elevated more, all of which is very good.
The result: burning in the legs and fatigue results in your body releasing Growth Hormone, and there are so many benefits to Growth Hormone release in your body!
Want to Super Charge your walk? After you have accustomed your legs to wearing the B3 Bands (10 sessions) add the arms bands to your upper body, and thus wear all four B3 Bands. Then carry a light weight (1-3 lbs.) in your arms. Make sure to really move your arms when walking. You can even do arm exercises while walking!
How far should you walk? We suggest you start with a 5-10 minute walk the first time you use the B3 Bands. Then slowly work your way up to longer walks (up to 20 minutes).
Do Intervals: You can even do up to 3 intervals. Walk fast for 5 minutes, rest for 1 minute. Then repeat two more times. Try to go to failure in your legs on the 3rd set.
How can Runners benefit from using B3 Bands?
All runners face the same challenge (especially recreational runners) which is overuse injuries due to too much impact. Runners are always trying to manage wear and tear, while at the same time that they are pushing themselves to go farther and or faster.
Traditional solutions to reduce impact:
Lose body weight.
Reduce mileage.
Run on dirt or grass trails, sparingly on asphalt, never on concrete.
Make sure your shoes are in good supportive condition.
Now you have an additional solution, running with B3 Bands! B3 Bands allows runners to achieve high intensity training with minimal impact, speed and duration.
We suggest a 50% usage of B3 Bands: If you run 4 days a week, replace 2 of your normal runs with B3 Band running workouts. How you run with the bands is up to you. A good suggestion is interval sprints on some days (think 4 x 400 m), and then on other days do a medium intensity run (think 1-2 miles) on other days.
You may quickly decide that running without the B3 Bands does not make sense . . . we agree!
Regardless of how and what kind of running you do with the B3 Bands, you are going to notice you get a failure response in the legs with a much shorter distance and duration.
Benefits of 50% B3 Band running:
- Less wear and tear, which means less injury and quicker recovery.
- Increased Growth Hormone release.
- Improved running performance. Adding B3 Band Training and getting failure responses in your legs will certainly increase your performance.
I like Yoga Classes; how can I benefit from using B3 Bands?
Just like walking or running, the same thing applies to doing an Aerobics or Yoga session. Adding the bands is going to crank up the intensity, which is going to crank up the Growth Hormone surge. More Growth Hormone is going to mean more results!
How long you go in each session with the B3 Bands is up to you. One thing is for sure, the duration and intensity or burn you will feel in your arms and or legs is going to be different, you are going to fatigue much quicker!
Alternate Leg and Arm B3 Bands: Wear the leg B3 Bands for 10 minutes or until failure. Then switch and wear the arm B3 Bands for 10 minutes or until failure
Wear all 4 B3 Bands: After getting accustomed to having the B3 Bands on your arms and legs separately for a few sessions (5 or more), try wearing all 4 B3 Bands. If you are doing exercises in your session that work the entire body, you are going to get an incredible workout in a short time!
What if I like to do my sessions for an hour? You still can. Use the bands 20 minutes on the legs first, then rest a minute and switch to the arms. You can then remove the bands and continue. You also can do the first 30 minutes without the B3 Bands and then add them for the last 20 minutes.
I like using the cardio equipment at the gym, how can I benefit from using B3 Bands?
The B3 Bands can also be worn while using your favorite cardio machine. Adding the bands is going to crank up the intensity, which is going to crank up the Growth Hormone surge. More Growth Hormone is going to mean more results!
How long you go in each cardio session with the B3 Bands is up to you. One thing is for sure, the duration and intensity or burn you will feel in your arms and or legs is going to be different, you are going to fatigue much quicker! We recommend you start at 5 minutes, then add intervals (see below).
Use both arm and leg B3 Bands: Wear the leg B3 Bands for 5 minutes or until failure. Then switch and wear the arm B3 Bands for 5 minutes or until failure.
Wear all 4 B3 Bands: After getting accustomed to having the B3 Bands on your arms and legs separately for a few sessions (5 or more), try wearing all 4 B3 Bands. If you are using cardio equipment that works both upper and lower body, you are going to get an incredible workout in a short time!
Do intervals to get more results: use the bands on the legs for 3-5 minutes. Then rest 30 seconds and repeat for 2-3 minutes. Then rest 30 seconds and do 1 more session to failure for 1-2 minutes. Once you are accustomed to this, you can do intervals with all 4 B3 Bands!
Using B3 Bands following Injury
The B3 Bands can help you stay strong during recovery from musculoskeletal injuries. A recovery program has two goals.
The first goal is to maintain as much fitness as possible in the rest of the body. Following injury or surgery, the athlete must take time off from his or her normal training program resulting in muscle atrophy and loss of fitness. The B3 Bands can reduce the loss of conditioning by allowing the athlete to exercise uninjured tissues during the recovery period.
The second goal is to facilitate healing and to restore the strength and endurance to the muscles of the injured area. If these tissues can be exercised without pain, the risk of re-injury may be reduced due to the low workloads B3 Bands allow. Thus, you can safely rehabilitate the injured muscles sooner, with better results, while maintaining safety.
Plus . . . by using the B3 Bands to create a systemic anabolic response, the hormone surge created by exercising healthy muscles will speed the recovery of the injured muscles or area.
Using B3 Bands following Surgery
People should consult their surgeon or therapist before starting or resuming B3 Bands Training.
People should not put B3 Bands directly on healing incisions or wounds. If, for example, there is an incision on the outside of the thigh (as in a total hip replacement) where the leg belt would go, the individual should avoid placing a leg belt directly on the incision, but they can enjoy BFR training on the other three extremities.
Can Training with the B3 Bands be used after a Bone Break or Muscle Tear?
Yes, the B3 Bands are uniquely suited to allow continued strength training while not disturbing the healing injury. If, for example, one tears their right ACL, they may continue Training on the other three extremities as normal with B3 Bands. In addition, they may perform light B3 Bands Training on the injured extremity as long as it does not produce pain in the injured part.
Always follow the Safety Precautions with using B3 Bands
- Put the Bands in the right place
- Follow recommended pressure settings
- Limit Bands Inflated on Arms or Legs to 20 minutes
- Don’t lift heavy weights
- Hydrate properly before, during and after
Contraindications to using B3 Bands
Existing untreated deep vein thrombosis (DVT’s)
Any on-going medical emergency
Belt placement on a limb with lymphedema
If unsure, seek advice of your medical practitioner
As with all exercise programs, you are encouraged to consult your physician if you have any health conditions or concerns about beginning an exercise program
Will B3 Bands cut off my blood supply
B3 Bands are designed to avoid total occlusion or cutting off the blood supply into the limb. B3 Bands have a unique air chamber design that creates a superficial pressure on the arm or leg. This pressure will limit venous blood out of the limb but will not cut off the deeper arterial blood supply into the limb.
If you have ever had your blood pressure checked, you have experienced total cutting-off of blood supply with a tourniquet or blood pressure cuff.
As long as the simple and obvious safety pre-cautions are followed, there are no risks associated with BFR Training with B3 Bands.
Is it important to hydrate when training with B3 Bands?
As with any exercise, one should never do B3 Band training when dehydrated. In this case, please re-hydrate first, then proceed with the B3 Band session. As with any exercise, always re-hydrate during and after exercise.
Following Surgery
People wanting to use B3 Bands must first consult with their surgeon and/or therapist before beginning or resuming B3 Bands Training after surgery.
People should not put B3 Bands directly on healing incisions or wounds. If, for example, there is an incision on the outside of the thigh (as in a total hip replacement) where the leg belt would go, the individual should avoid placing a leg belt directly on the incision, but they can enjoy BFR training on the other three extremities.
What if I feel numbness or tingling, should I be concerned?
Proper use of the B3 Bands should never cause numbness or tingling, which is rare when the safety protocols are followed. If you feel numbness or tingling, you probably have the band too tight and/or the pressure setting too high.
Remove the band, re-apply, and reduce the pressure setting until you find the setting that does not produce numbness or tingling. If numbness or tingling persists, do not continue exercising with the B3 Bands until you find a setting that does not re-create these symptoms.
We do not recommend women use B3 Bands during their pregnancy if they have not previously used the B3 Bands. As with any exercise, if they have been using B3 Bands prior to discovering they are pregnant, they may do BFR training, on the easy side, until they feel uncomfortable which usually occurs in the last trimester.
Pregnant women should always consult their obstetrician if they have any questions or are a high-risk pregnancy.
Can Training with the B3 Bands lead to embolisms or blood clots?
Not if the 5 safety rules are followed. If blood in deep veins is brought to a standstill for a prolonged period, the blood can begin to form clots. The B3 Bands are designed so that when the safety rules are followed, they cannot make the blood stand still long enough to clot, and thus, B3 Bands Training does not increase the risk of blood clots or pulmonary emboli.
Millions of BFR sessions have been performed worldwide over the last 50 years and where it has been studied, the individuals who practice BFR correctly have less blood clots detected than a matched group of individuals who don’t do BFR training.
Some individuals are genetically predisposed to clotting. By the time these individuals are adults, they know whether they or others in their families have this condition. Often, they are on anticoagulants. B3 Bands Training is safe even for these individuals.
Sometimes, after particular types of surgery (e.g. various orthopedic procedures on the lower extremities), one may have formed clots in the veins while anesthetized. These clots may go unrecognized and cause a pulmonary embolus in the days following the surgery. Thus, we recommend waiting a week after surgery to resume or start B3 Bands Training.
Can Training with the B3 Bands create a higher risk for Varicose Veins?
No, B3 Bands and protocols do not increase the risk of varicosities, if anything, B3 Bands work toward reducing varicosities. Varicose veins are the result of incompetent valves in the veins linking the deep to superficial venous systems. They can occur for a variety of reasons, but one cause is pregnancy where the growing uterus and baby put 24/7 pressure on the iliac veins as they carry blood back to the heart. This fills up the deep veins, the interconnecting veins and the superficial veins. Because this is a passive, constant situation, the valves are stretched resulting in them becoming incompetent.
In contrast, during B3 Bands training, venous outflow is restricted leading to distension in the veins and capillaries distal to the B3 Bands, but then with exercise, the veins are repeatedly emptied and filled. This has been associated with an up-regulation of markers associated with vascular growth (VEGF, HIF-1a, etc.). The result of this temporary (~20 minutes) distending and emptying of the veins and capillaries is to improve their smooth muscle, which if anything, works to reinforce the valves in between the deep and superficial venous systems.
To the contrary, B3 Bands training may actually result in making barely incompetent valves, competent again, which in turn may reduce the number of varicosities.
Can I use the B3 Bands if I have suffered a Stroke?
Regular exercise is a vital component of rehabilitation for patients with stokes (CVA’s). Exercise with B3 Bands is ideally suited to produce significant gains in function in patients who have had a stroke. This can have a dramatic effect on the individual’s activities of daily living.
* If the person is hypertensive (has high blood pressure), their blood pressure should be medically controlled before considering using the B3 Bands.
Results will depend on how “dense” (complete) the stroke is. The “denser” or more severe the stroke, the less chance of functional recovery. Typically, what nerves (and motor pathways) have been killed, are dead. But there is a lot of recovery that can take place to get the individual functioning again. Most importantly, exercise with B3 Bands can strengthen the motor pathways/muscles that are still innervated.
Recommended Exercise: Put the B3 Bands on both arms and perform exercises that are possible. These are normal exercises on the normal side and whatever is possible on the affected side. Even if the injured arm can just squeeze a ball or raise the affected arm will be beneficial. Then put both leg B3 Bands on and doing whatever exercises are possible. Trying to walk with the B3 Bands on is a great exercise. Even just moving the foot or curling the toes will stimulate the affected leg.
What is the risk of Rhabdomyolysis with using the B3 Bands?
There is a very low risk of Rhabdomyolysis. Rhabdomyolysis does not occur when individuals follow the safety rules. A constellation of factors must occur together to get Rhabdomyolysis. Rhabdomyolysis is associated with a variety of factors including; the first time of a new exercise, exercising when dehydrated, eccentric exercise, exercise with an occluded circulation, exercise with heavy weights, exercise of long duration. It takes a “perfect storm” of many of these factors coming together to get wide spread muscle fiber damage that can lead to Rhabdomyolysis. If one follows the normal precautions for B3 Bands, one cannot get all these factors coming together at the same time.
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